EACE Board of Directors

Who are the leaders behind EACE? They are the volunteers who are committed to elevating our industry and attracting new members to one of the strongest Regional Associations of Colleges and Employers.

2024-2025 Board of Directors

Amy Drakesmith 


Ali Joyce

 Ali Joyce Headshot



Immediate Past President
Jennifer Rossi Long


Director, Finance
Ashley Forsythe

Director, Career Growth
Katie Vagen

Katie Vagen Headshot

Director, Diversity & Inclusion
Gerald Tang

Headshot of Gerald Tang

Director, Public Relations 
& Communications

Narali Taglialavore


Director, Technology &
Information Management

Chris Miciek

Chris Miciek Headshot

Director, Membership Recruitment & Retention
Kristin Eicholtz


Director, Member Services
Mia Wittels


Click here to view a list of EACE Past Presidents.